At Granite Mountain Stables we have a variety of stall options to suit your horse’s needs. Storage Sheds: Are provided to share between outdoor horse pens. These sheds can house feed, miscellaneous tack and other supplies.

Also on our property, we have 5 turnouts, 2 60ft roundpens with observation decks, and a 120x126ft arena. Horses are welcome to be turned out in any of these areas, however riders and those working their horses have priority in the arenas and roundpens.
Arena Roundpen Observation Deck Turnout Area Roundpen
Farrier stand: We provide a three walled covered concrete pad with rubber mats to use for farrier care of the horses on our property. The three walls can be opened if your horse desires more room or airflow.

Wash Rack: Behind our three silos in the shade of the trees, there is a metal tie rail and hose on a concrete pad with rubber mats. This provides a clean, non-slip place for grooming, baths, cold hosing, or other doctoring.